Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Holiday Who-be-whatee?

Yep, you guessed it.  It's my Christmas post.  Anyone know what movie my post title is from??

Christmas Eve was spent at the Thurston's with a yummy dinner and a little live Nativity scene.  Porter was in bed for most of the evening.
 Kody - Donkey (naturally), Paige - Mary, Tanner - Joseph
 Parker - Angel
 Lindsay - Narrator
Jake - Business Man (with x-box headset on), Me - photographer/spectator
 Jacey - doubled as a shepherd and wiseman, Parker - also doubling up as a wiseman, Wendy - wiseman, Emma - Baby Jesus
Thomas - spectator and caretaker of Baby Jesus 
After the Nativity we opened up our Christmas Eve presents - new jammies!! 
(Jake still very proud to look like a business man)

Christmas morning! 
The real present was the extra hour of sleep we all got because of some sort of "alarm malfunction"
 Wendy made Jake (with some help from Jacey) this awesome T-shirt quilt with his old shirts and jerseys.  It was a total surprise and we, I mean he, loves it! 
 Santa gave Porter some new snack containers and filled one with Craisins...we probably should've given him that last because once he discovered them, he lost interest in pretty much everything else.
 Me going through Porter's stocking while he digs Craisins out.
Porter and Dad
 Checking out his new hoop
 First basket of many.  Best present ever.  He has played with it probably every day since Christmas.
I think he helped finish eating Santa's goodies.

After opening ALL of our presents we got cleaned up and headed over to my family's house.
 Porter holding his skittles, while I empty his stocking.
 Jake requested a lemon from Santa
Porter calling his peeps

After stockings we had a yummy brunch, which, sadly, I got no pictures of.

Then onto more presents.
 Porter with Uncle Bridger
 He got some balls from Uncle Tyler and insisted on holding all 3 at the same time
Found a little seat on one of his presents.

Later that evening we went to our traditional Christmas dinner buffet with John's family, this year at The Pointe.  It was yummy!
 Our little family at dinner
Porter was pretty cute drinking out of this glass like a big boy
He thought so too!

We had a wonderful holiday thanks to both of our wonderful families.  We are so lucky to be so close to both of them.  It was fun to have my brother Brandon and his family in town from Minnesota too.  We were able to have my whole family together so we got some updated family photos.  You can see a little preview of them here.


Unknown said...

the..the..the... THE GRINCH!

megan&steve said...

Abby touched each picture of Porter on my computer screen. We miss you guys. Can't wait to see you in June.
I love the t-shirt quilt too.