Monday, February 21, 2011

"This is me in a nutshell" - - December

Porter's friend Abby was in town during December so we had some play dates at the park.

 Porter played with packing peanuts

We went to Organ Stop Pizza with Kody, Wendy and Paige and Paige's friend and family

 The we headed to the Temple Lights
Mayo Clinic's family Holiday Party was held at the Arizona Science Museum, so we tagged along with my mom.
 Porter had fun sifting through the sand and water
 And watching smoke rings come out of this contraption
 But mostly liked crawling up and down this little area with puppets
And eating dessert..which is smeared on his face.  Then he tumbled down and was done.
Thanks for the free evening, Mayo Clinic (and mom for working there for many, many years).

Porter and Emma shared some best-cousins, jammie time along with Grandma

Paige planned a fun Family Home Evening one night.  She asked Wendy, Jacey and I questions about ourselves beforehand then, the night of, Kody, Thomas and Jake were in the hot-seats and had to see how well they knew us. 
 Porter just hung out and cheered Dad on
Emma did the same
 Uh-oh better get this one right
 Parker and Tanner played the role of the audience
 Paige...our MC and score keeper
The gang with our prizes...if you can't tell from the picture Jake and I are holding up our "We're #1 fingers".  Woo-hoo...victorious!!

And lastly just some shots of Porter with a freshly made mohawk
 Not happy


Unknown said...

Great mohawk! Fun update. I want to know the questions they asked for your fhe game!

megan&steve said...

I miss December. I miss my friends and family in Arizona. If Abby can stop beating up on your son, they could enjoy a friendship too. For now, Porter will stay scared of my little girl.