Saturday, February 12, 2011

Who recaps November in Februrary??? you all know at least one person who does.  I've been a little absent from the blog and my excuse was that I was waiting to steal some of my mom's pictures of Thanksgiving so I could do a proper Thanksgiving post, but, it's now almost Valentine's Day and I still don't have the pics.  So, although, this post isn't what I've been waiting for, it will have to do...because I really need to just move on.

Look at my boys blue, blue eyes

 Thanksgiving morning before the 7th Annual GAT 5K...coincidentally also my Annual Only Run of the Year, which allows for my Annual Sore Legs for the Week After Thanksgiving
 Porter being rewarded with a well-deserved doughnut.  Jake and I decided to take one for the team this year and come in last so that no one else had to feel badly about the position.  Yes, we're THAT nice.

Now is where everyone uses their imaginations and pictures the most wonderful Thanksgiving feast pictures.  Pre-dinner footballs being tossed, football being watched on t.v., delicious food, great company, stuffed bellies, post-feast game of Quelf, etc, was wonderful!

The day after Thanksgiving was a big day for us!  Porter went to his first ASU game EVER!!!
 He hitched a ride with dad from the car to the stadium
 Of course, we taught him "touchdown"!
 Thanks for my new shirt Grandpa John
 The excitement just tuckered him right out and he snoozed through the 2nd quarter
He woke up and was rejuvenated by some soda
 So yummy!
 Can we get you some more of that?  
Actually this series of pictures displays perfectly why we had to put the kibosh on soda for this little guy.  I know, I know...he should have never been drinking it in the first place.  Well, if you guys know his dad, you know that's not happening.
 Johnny and Bridger at the game
 Enjoying some pop corn
Although you can't tell by their expressions...we left VICTORIOUS!!
When we got home from the game we got to celebrate Jacey's birthday!


megan&steve said...

Holla at you. Welcome back to blogging. We've missed you. No more soda for Porter? I finally got rid of Abbys bottles.
Good to see pictures of the fam...finally.

Unknown said...

I'm impressed you bothered to recap Thanksgiving at all! I ended up mostly skipping Christmas altogether because it seemed too overwhelming once I started blogging again.
So fun to see your Porter! He's getting so big! Miss you guys!

Dani said...

Good update! Congrats on the 5k! Hope to see you at the ward play date tomorrow :)

Kody said...

To look back on Porter its hard to believe how much he has grown in such a short time. I love the shot of him and the soda. Glad he's given up the hard stuff. Great shots of you guys...all having fun!