Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Welcome to Our Spot

The first weekend in November we decided to go on an overnight camping trip.  Jake and I have a spot that we like, but haven't been since Porter was born.  So, we introduced Porter to camping for the 1st time and we introduced Kody, Wendy, Parker & Paige to "our spot" for the 1st time.  Like all camping trips (it seems), we intended for a much earlier start than what we actually got, not to mention Jake and I made a wrong turn to "our spot" which set us back a little in the time department. 
 Porter got a little nap in during the drive
 We all got right to work setting up (while we still had a little bit of daylight)...here's Jake with our tent
 Wendy, setting up the "kitchen"
 Parker and Paige hard at work
 Porter got to work exploring
 Wendy's grilling our burgers, with some assistance from Paige
 Getting a lift from Dad
 Kody working on his Peach-Cherry crumble/cobbler something or other
 Porter found a stick
 Roasting mallows for smores
 Porter likes marshmallows
 a lot
 How's dessert looking, Kody?
Group shot - not my best self-timer work, but it will have to do

The worst part of the trip was not documented with pictures and that would be sleeping.  Porter didn't get comfortable until I was totally uncomfortable.  We decided that we probably wouldn't go back any time soon without the pack n play.
Parker was a total master with the fire...or not
Wendy and Kody hard at work on breakfast
White man build big fire - says Kody.  Kody taught us all about how Indians made fires.  Our campfire apparently didn't pass the Indian test.
Paige and Porter playing
I had to get myself in a pic
In case any of you were worried...have no fear - Parker did not have to give up texting during our 24 hour trip.  There was plenty of cell reception in this area.  You may all breathe a sigh of relief now!

We learned that Porter loves breakfast meats
 Dirty camping face
 Family pic in their tent

 Our family tent pic

 Wendy spotted a hollowed out tree, so naturally we decided to get in it and take pictures


Unknown said...

What a fun family camping trip! And yeah... we used a pack n' play religiously until the kids were all old enough to sleep without (age varied depending on the kid). I swear by them. And good for you for getting in some pictures! I'm rarely in pictures it seems. It's just easier to be behind the camera.

Hillary Hall said...

so fun! looks like you guys had a great time!